Thursday, October 3, 2019

Inktober Day 3 - Bait Prompt

Norman's Bait - inktober2019 day 3
marker on paper
3" x 5" (7.62cm x 12.7cm)

Jake Parker's Inktober challenge is on! Instagram prompt list here.

I did this quick simple marker sketch from the prompt list for day 3, Bait.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Inktober Day 2

Industrial Landscape - inktober2019 day 2
marker on paper
3" x 5" (7.62cm x 12.7cm)

Jake Parker's Inktober challenge is on! Instagram prompt list here.

Another marker sketch of a favorite subject. I don't do any pencil layout on these. Just uncap the marker and draw. Great practice for that skill.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Inktober Slug

Slug - inktober2019
marker on paper
3" x 5" (7.62cm x 12.7cm)

Jake Parker's Inktober challenge is on! Instagram prompt list here.

I did this quick little sketch this evening to get started. I may not do one every day but will do as many as I can throughout October so stay tuned to this blog Avid Art, my Instagram or Avid Art 2.