Thursday, August 25, 2016

Marker Drawings 30 - LAAF Thank You's

Envelope drawings
Sharpie markers, Magnum, fine point, ultra fine point, 2016
(top) envelope 3½" x 6½" (8.89cm x 16.51cm)
(bottom three) envelope 4¼" x 5¼" (10.795cm x 13.335cm)

More marker sketches drawn at Laguna Art-A-Fair. I have done some watercolor painting in my booth too but I do enjoy doing these for their quickness.

I draw directly with the markers without any pencil lay-in. It's a good way to work because it forces me to think differently than painting. Similar to working traditionally in watercolor I really have to plan ahead to preserve the whites.
I generally have some vague idea of what I will be drawing and just start blocking in the large dark masses to find the graphic shapes for compositional purposes. From there I look for suggestions of smaller shapes and forms and let it develop on its own somewhat. Drawn from my imagination, and of course plenty of experience in industrial subjects, I am using no reference of any kind.
Satisfying simple drawing.

The top one done on a white envelope (my photo is off a little in its tint) and as the large Magnum marker begins to die I can get these great soft edges. Love it.
The other three were done on a heathered putty gray envelope.

Why am I drawing on envelopes and signing them unlike the sketchbook marker drawings? Because these were given as Thank You's for various reasons. To collectors, a supporter of Art-A Fair and fellow Art-A-Fair artists who did me big favors.455,456,457,458

Last weekend for Laguna Art-A-Fair! Don't miss your chance to pick up some great art or just visit and have a relaxing day near the beach.

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