Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Value Thumbnails 5

"Value Thumbnails-LB Courthouse"
pencil on paper, 2012
page 11" x 8.5" (27.94cm x 21.59cm)

I did these thumbnails of the new Long Beach Courthouse about midway through its construction.
It is currently near the end and will soon be open. Part of the urban renewal of Long Beach California.

Shown here in its iron skeletal form, i-beams and steel girders.
Even as small thumbnails these were more challenging than I thought they would be.
The simplification proved to be harder to do than I anticipated since there was a lot going on.

The middle right thumb especially tough since the angles are not 90°. Even though drawn right it still looks wrong. I only like the top and middle left, don't care much for the others. This is one reason to do thumbnails, to work out and/or discover potential problems early.217


  1. Hello David!
    I love these thumbnail sketches!
    How can I not love i-beams and steel girders!
    I am hoping to see a painting from these?
    Take care buddy!

    1. I'm not sure yet if these will make it into paint.
      I have so many others in the works right now, series, series, series, we'll see.

      ... you know these were done about the same time as you were out here for the Rose Parade so this is roughly the state of building it would have been in. You may have seen it, downtown Long Beach a block off Ocean Blvd.

      Keep painting (and visiting)...

    2. I will check my photos and my memory!
      A very sad day in Boston today.
      Thank you for your support David!
      "Bostonians" all over the world need support.
      Take care buddy and paint on and on and on!
      Your good friend,
