Wednesday, May 12, 2010

3 Different Qualities

"Power Pole #3(Twin Transformers)"
oil on panel, 2008
8" x 6" (20.32cm x 15.24cm)

"Power Pole #6(w/ 3 Contrails)"
oil on panel, 2008
8" x 10" (20.32cm x 25.4cm)
For Sale at Daily Paintworks, CLICK HERE

"Power Pole #5 (2 Buttons)"   SOLD
oil on panel, 2008
6" x 8" (15.24cm x 20.32cm)
Horizon Fine Art Gallery :, email: HORIZONFINEART@WYOMING.COM

3 more from Power Pole series. A slightly wider color palette than my previous Power Pole post, 'Fingerprints'. One of the nice things about where I live is that with the hills I'm able to get views from various angles instead of always the worms eye view. After that I try to instill in the image some sort of quality about them that caught my attention, usually my first impressions.

#3 has the most vertical emphasis. It's wires leading to and from the pair of transformers are graceful and rather lyrical.

#6 has a prominent, almost portrait-like appearance, the late day shadow from an unseen tree behind the viewer moving up the pole and out of the top of the composition.

#5 with it's two odd bolt cover buttons, shows the organized chaos so often seen in power poles. The zoomed in view emphasizes this chaos, allowing the wires to dart in and out of the composition from all sides. The two buttons really amused me. Are they there to protect the serviceman with all the other obvious hazards present? I would love to know the answer.16,17,18
Click on images for larger view

1 comment:

  1. This is spectacular stuff by David Teter. Who is this guy?
    I hope this is just the beginning. It's like finding a new star rising in the east. And where can I buy his stuff?
